Saturday, October 25, 2008

Grrr AOL and our trip to the apple orchard

AOL has decided to discontinue their journal/blog so I have had to start a new one here on Blogger. I am not very happy about it! I have to save all the information from my old one and I have the option to put it all on here but decided to just save it and start this one fresh. Last weekend we had a great trip to the apple orchard with Auntie Linda, Uncle Casey and Will. It was perfect weather although a bit windy. We got our apples, picked pumpkins, raspberries and purchased lots of goodies. The girls had a blast having pony rides and playing in the farm play area. Enjoy the pics - hopefully everyone will be able to follow this one as easily as the other one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute pics, Amy. Dontcha just hate the way aol screws all their best features up for us old timers? Gah...I am still trying to figure out how to get people invited to my new blog (and how to accept invites from the few others who've set them up here).